The World Will End, not with a Bang but an Ever-Increasing Roar

Gilbert Corliss
3 min readMay 20, 2022
Photo by Eugene Zhyvchik on Unsplash

Racism, Bigotry, Human Prejudice

I have never understood racism, bigotry, or human prejudice. I never understood why in the taxonomy of man in the scientific literature, when I first started reading in science publications (I had a chart of human evolution on my wall when I was 9) included items beyond Homo Sapiens, Sapiens, that further classified humans into different varieties (“breeds”) like dogs. They included different pigmentation classifications such as Black, Red, Yellow, and White, though they used more “educated” terms such as Negroid, Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Amerindian. “Brown” was added to the list much later.

Such became the perpetuation of a false conclusion: That there are several different races of humans.

But we are one species. One race.

Perpetuation of a lie

How do we perpetuate this lie? We legislate it. We reference it in the news. We reference a human’s accomplishment as “the first (enter skin color), (ethnic designation), (sexual preference), (gender identity) person to achieve such a status.”

I know this is an attempt to kill prejudice in the minds of humanity, but I believe it is doing the opposite.

When we list these classifications, we do not do something favorable for the person (though their pride is usually amplified). Even though this person is (fill in the blank), this person managed to become the first of this person’s kind to achieve this type of success that only white people (usually men) have ever before been able to achieve. This person, therefore, is as good as a white person (male).

Really? No. This person achieved something that white males have been trying to block this person’s kind from achieving all this person’s life. This person is a better person than any white person had to be to achieve the same accomplishment.

My taxonomic classification is Caucasian male by society, and I think this skewed thinking sucks and will define the cause of the end of humanity, if we maintain this attitudinal pandemic of racism and bigotry.

I believe there are two things rushing to destroy the world, right now. Racism (and…



Gilbert Corliss

Novelist, self-studied in many sciences, theology, music, and art.